er 14-year-old Due to Lack of Vaccine
Don’t let fear keep you from doing the right thing….
Whenever doctors join forces with government, and deviate from personal, professional, and clinical commitment – to do no harm to the individual medicine can then be perverted from a healing, humanitarian profession to a murderous operettas. “This is a global holocaust”.Holocaust survivor and medical activist Vera Sharav spoke at the 44th Sitting of the German…
Aesthetically Yours…
Question(s) Number 02 and 03 Question 03 Please email all questions to: To – The Other Heather Thank you for your comment and we wanted to reply and open up responses to others in the same situation. If you can relate to (The Other Heather) or have had a similar experience please email us…
Healthy Blood Cells under a Microscope
Red blood cells are shaped kind of like donuts that didn’t quite get their hole formed. They’re biconcave discs, a shape that allows them to squeeze through small capillaries. This also provides a high surface area to volume ratio, allowing gases to diffuse effectively in and out of them. Sure it is easier said than done – but chemo prevention…
Sugar Addiction
Confessions of a sugar addict My childhood memories are punctuated with sugar: bakery donuts on Sunday mornings; a pillowcase full of candy on Halloween; Dairy Queen trips in the summer; pies at Christmas. Our home had a junk drawer brimming with potato chips, pretzels, cookies, and tortilla chips. This didn’t include the ice cream in…
No seed No feed
Did you know that some of the nuts, fruits and vegetables we consume are not natural? Yes, you got that right! Some are indeed man-made. Permitting the food is a seed-bearing plant that is upon the earth, and the tree has seed-bearing fruit – Enjoy! AVOID Genetic modification, the process of forcing genes from one species into…
Meditation …
How much MEDITATION is enough? The combination of grief, poor sleep, and the loss of that baked-in mindfulness made me feel like my brain was short-circuiting. How much MEDITATION is enough, a LIFETIME? This is the question so many people ask when considering a meditation practice. The problem with meditation practice is everyone wants to…
Plant strong community –
Are you seeking a plant based life and need help evolving? There are a variety of reasons for adopting a vegan diet, health reasons are attracting a lot of scientific focus. Vegans tend to be thinner, have lower cholesterol, and have lower blood pressure, and there is some evidence there are additional health benefits that…
AFTER … If you are this guy or are even remotely close to him pay close attention to this information. The International Agency for Research on Cancer – or IARC – is the WHO agency that evaluates evidence and scientific research on cancer. In 1991 the agency classified coffee as a category 2B carcinogen, which, in…
ID Medical – Parent Clinic
Together we work across the entire healthcare spectrum. Our parent company, ID Medical is one of the largest and popular health agencies in the UK. ID Medical will grow more and more because of the fantastic staff they have and help people to get started in their new medical career as quick as they can….