Why do I need regular rest… It is very difficult to recall things when you haven’t slept. Sleep strengthens bonds within brain cells and help develop long term memory. It is harder for memories to form if your mind is wandering due to lack of sleep and will eventually become an enigma. The formation of…
Author: Nazarene Medicinal Clinic
The long term goals for The Nazarene Medicinal Institute are to enhance the strength of The Nazarene Medicinal Institute via superior relational and financial performances. The Nazarene Medicinal Institute will identify and ensure the association’s future viability. The Nazarene Medicinal Institute will identify goals, increased engagement, promotion, financial stability, and evaluation measures to remain consistent to the current strategic plan. By increasing engagement with members, system leaders, hospital members, and governing boards The Nazarene Medicinal Institute will continue to foster awareness and transparent relationships. As The Nazarene Medicinal Institute value the promotion of culture and diversity, and specialize in African bio mineral medicine. The application of indigenous support and reinforcement increase excellence and strengthen hospital policies and goals. The Nazarene Medicinal Institute are deemed regulated as such attempting to identify and navigate all investment and congruent diversification incentives. The evaluation of and acting on potential business partnering is on going -
Cancer Prevention and Control Question(s)
Approximately 84,000 new cases are diagnosed and about 28,000 deaths occur each year from gynecologic cancer among women in the United States. Let’s talk about it… Please share your gynecologic cancer stories and reflect on what you would have changed to have prevented the diagnosis? Do you know what caused your diagnosis?